What is this all about?

Hi there!
Here's a little space I'm dedicating to the continuing pursuit of knowledge; particularly in relation to being a Scrum Master

It is very easy to jump to conclusions about the right way to master Scrum, but I don't believe there is an actual right way.
I believe it's more important to stay humble and curious; to share the values of Scrum, and build on that; to be open to learning new things; to respect alternative views; to have the courage to admit weakness; to focus on the things that matter; to commit to being a better professional; to inspect and adapt; to stop pretending to be a master, and become a better apprentice.

If you would like to share your views, I'd happily hear from you.

Simon Mayer

I'm Simon Mayer, a Scrum Master and web developer, who grew up in Manchester, and has been living in Amsterdam since 2015.
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